Annual Members
- John Brittain
- Dan Brunken
- Gregory Gadson
- Allen Lohmann
- James McDonald
- Eddie Reeps
Associate Members
- Herbert Bright
- Ann Graham
- Keith Harley
- Joseph Pace, Sr.
- John Rivers, Jr.
- Henry L. Taylor
Chapter 30
- Barbara Dresser
- Carolyn Satterfield
Gold Star Members
- Gail Michaels
- Anne Shealy
Deceased Members
- Charles Adams
- David S. Blodgett
- Rodger Carroll
- Charles G. Crist
- Larry Crow
- Frank Entzminger
- Edgar Golden
- George Gorsuch
- Johnny Graham
- Jimmie Hicks
- Skipper E. Hough
- Frazile Johnson
- Lawrence Kelly
- Marvin L Knickmeyer
- Rayford Manning
- Aquila Miller
- Mark Neibel
- Graham Rollings
- Richard Schramm
- Charles L. Shephard
- Justine Snowden
Life Members
- Benjamin Abraham
- William Akridge
- James Barber
- Ken Barlow
- Phillip Bartholomew
- Sonny Barto
- Jesse Beacham
- Wayne Bowers
- David Bresselle
- Robert Bridges
- Cephus Bright
- Charlie Brown
- Richard Bryant
- Brian Burke
- William Chavis
- James Condon, Jr.
- Arthur Coogler
- Waldren Cook
- James Cotney
- Kenneth Cox
- Douglas Dale
- Lauren Dates
- James Dotson
- James Dresser
- Barry Drew
- William Drew
- Woodrow Ford
- Frank Foster
- Edward Frazier
- Terry Gainey
- Peter George
- Robert Gibson
- Jimmy Gilly
- Tony Griffin
- John Grimball
- Hebert Hair
- James Hair
- Joseph (Eddie) Hair
- Larry Hampton
- Thomas Hanson
- David Haynes
- Royce Hudson
- Dennis Joanethis
- Otha Johnson
- Eugene Keitt, Jr.
- Russell Keller
- Jeffrey Lear
- Michael Lutman
- Robert Manning, Jr.
- Victor Marciano
- Joseph Marquez
- George Massey
- Roy Mathis
- Benjamin May
- Johnny Mayo
- James McCoy
- Herbert J. McCranie
- Donald McDonald
- Richard McDowell
- Herbert McDuffie
- Larry Meyers
- Richard Militano
- Johnny Mims
- Ted Mobley
- Albert Morgan
- Carlos A. Martinez Negrete
- William Nicholls, Jr.
- Harold Nobles
- Weldon Nock
- Fred Otey
- Steve Parry
- Gerald Patterson
- Daniel Poindexter
- Robert Powell
- Foy Privette
- Marvin Roberts
- Walter Rosso
- Andrew Russell, Sr.
- James Satterfield
- Richard Schmidt
- William Scott
- Robert Smith
- Thomas Taylor
- Randall Tenney
- Normand Thomas
- Willie Thomas
- Hilario A. Velasques
- Thomas Wallace
- Joseph Wells
- Warren Williams
- Thomas Wisdom
- Willie Wright
- Lester Yeargin
- Stephen Zaleski
- Jeffrey Zettle
To join Chapter 30, print and mail the completed application, along with dues, to the address provided.